Introductory video of the forum and its previous sessions
In October 2018, the Egyptian Artists Foundation for Culture and Arts launched
Cairo International Forum for University Theatre
under the care of
His Excellency Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
As the first event of its kind in Egypt, it sheds light on a strong artistic sector
It is considered an essential tributary of art and culture in any society, which is the university theater, in order to provide an opportunity for many Egyptian and international university students, artists and researchers in the field of university theater to meet, discuss, train and develop their artistic abilities through contact with different cultures.
Learn about other people's artistic creations.
Dreams turn into reality
When we believe in it and our ability to achieve it
Director / Amr Kabil
aThe opening of the Cairo International University Theater Forum
October 2018

Forum trip
In 2015, the Egyptian Artists Foundation for Culture and Arts was established and declared with the aim of employing the arts in the service of various societal fields, believing in the importance of the role of art and its impact on the thoughts and consciences of peoples, and the importance of the role of culture in building a conscious, healthy and advanced society.
Since its establishment, the Foundation has presented many artistic and cultural projects that concern children, women and youth, including (theatrical performances / specialized art workshops / short documentaries and narrative films / organizing and establishing artistic and theatrical events and festivals / art seminars and plastic art exhibitions)
Among the most important projects implemented by the Foundation is the permanent children’s workshop (Helweet Al-Hadota), which is concerned with training children from 6 to 15 years of age in the arts of storytelling, acting, singing and shadow imagination, in which children are integrated with their peers with special needs, and the workshop is implemented periodically in cooperation with the Development Fund The Cultural Foundation also carried out the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the Independent Theater from March 27 to April 2, 2016, commissioned by the Supreme Council of Culture. September 1 to 6, 2019.
The Foundation has always been interested in cooperation and partnership with various institutions, whether governmental or private, or civil society institutions.
In 2016, preparations began for the Cairo International Forum for University Theater as the most important project of the institution until the first session was launched in October 2018. The forum went through many challenges at the beginning of its career, especially since it is the first forum of its kind in Egypt, which made many universities, institutions and different parties between hesitation and rejection In supporting it and participating in its first session, and the great effort to prepare a full team of trained young volunteers to organize an international event of this size was not an easy matter, which required more than a year and a half of great efforts in planning and preparation for it, until it succeeded thanks to patience, Faith in the idea, and the will of its makers to achieve this dream and turn it into reality. The sponsorship of His Excellency the President of the Republic came as a badge of honor and a culmination of the efforts of more than 45 people who planned, prepared and organized this great international event on a full voluntary basis. At its birth, the Forum witnessed a great turnout from all lovers Theater from around the world.

Objectives of the forum
1- Achieving two main pillars of Egypt's Vision 2030 in the fields of education and culture, especially in:
field of human development.
2 - Resisting violence and extremist ideas through art and culture and realizing the concept of development
3- Direct contact with different cultures between university theater youth in Egypt and the world.
4- Exchanging artistic and cultural experiences between our youth and the youth of other countries.
Which works to increase artistic and cultural awareness, and create renewable artistic currents .
5- Developing the technical skills of the university theater teams, which has the greatest impact on the level
Egyptian theater in general.
6- Emphasizing Egypt's security and economic stability through its ability to organize forums
various international.
7- Contribute to revitalizing tourism by organizing tourism programs for the participating delegations.
8- Putting Egypt on the map of international university theater festivals
9- Activate scientific research in the fields of literature and the arts, especially theater.
And to provide an opportunity for many innovative ideas through intellectual seminars.
10 - Emphasizing the role of Egyptian universities and civil society institutions in the scientific movement
artistic and cultural.
Forum activities
A competition for theatrical performances by university groups from different countries of the world.
– International workshops specialized in theater arts for a group of distinguished trainers from
different countries of the world.
Round tables, research seminars and technical seminars.
Honoring a group of art stars who started their artistic career through theatre
A daily bulletin to cover the various activities of the forum in both Arabic and English.
– Various competitions in acting, recitation, theatrical composition and decoration designs.
– Tourism and entertainment programs for participants in the activities of the forum from inside and outside Egypt.
From the memory of the meeting